Observing Sexual Assault Awareness Month at UW-Green Bay

Staff member Joanie Dovekas of Residence Life and student Starr Syrett, founder of the student organization SAVE (Sexual Assault Violence Eradication), are announcing a range of events to mark Sexual Assault Awareness Month on campus:

    April 17 – May 1, Teal Ribbon on Trees Campaign – teal ribbons will be tied around campus trees along the path to housing and near the Union. Posters with stats tied to sexual violence will accompany the ribbons.

    April 17 – May 1, Pledges and Paper Ribbons – anyone wanting to sign a pledge to help stop sexual violence will be given a paper teal ribbon to write their names. Paper ribbons will be displayed in the Phoenix Club for awareness.

    April 26, National Clothesline Project – anyone interested in decorating a t-shirt to remember someone they know who has been sexually abused or assaulted is welcome to request a free shirt to decorate, or just drop one off at the Community Center for Dovekas of Residence Life. From April 26 to May 1, campus contributions to the National Clothesline Project will be displayed in the Union’s Cloud Commons.

Any questions can be addressed to Joanie Dovekas at ext. 2844 or dovekasj@uwgb.edu.