Help students Rise through the 43rd Annual UW-Green Bay Scholarship Golf Classic Friday, June 14, 2024

Join us for the 43rd Annual UW-Green Bay Scholarship Golf Classic, sponsored by Aon, to benefit today’s UW-Green Bay students. Through the years, we have awarded over 250 scholarships totaling more than $340,000 through Alumni Scholarships. Our goal is to continue to increase the number of students benefitting from alumni scholarships and our major fundraiser is this event!
Karen is one of the University’s innovative Education majors. Hear her thoughts as a recipient of a UW-Green Bay Alumni Association Endowed Scholarship:
“Being a first-generation student is a challenge in the way that you have to lead the way for your family and set a good example for your younger siblings. I am the oldest of 5 children and my parents are non-English speakers. Growing up in my family was hard because I always had to be the translator for the family and do all my academic work on my own. Education has always been my priority and I’ve always worked hard to get good grades in school even with no academic or financial support at home. Receiving this scholarship has helped take off financial stress for me and my family and it has helped me get closer to my goal of becoming a teacher. My goal is to be a support for other students that may be facing the same difficulties I have been through and help them achieve their goals.”
As a Phoenix, you’ve been making sparks fly since you left UW-Green Bay and should share that success with students following in your footsteps. Let’s inspire these students with compassionate, caring financial support. The need is real!
The event will be held at the Northbrook Golf Course in Luxemburg on Friday, June 14, 2024.
Registration: 9 a.m.
Shotgun Start: 10 a.m.
Lunch, raffles and prizes on the course
Fees: $200 per golfer or $800 per foursome
($175 per golfer or $700 per foursome if registered by March 31!)
Includes: 18-holes of golf, golfer gift, power cart, lunch on the course, two beverage tickets, hole contests and enter to win the grand prize raffle – a great value for a great cause! The day also includes other raffles and cash prizes for the foursome with the lowest score in each division.
The UW-Green Bay Scholarship Golf Classic is open to the general public. We welcome all to attend and will pair single golfers with others to fill out a foursome. Hole sponsorships are available! Register using the link here.
Contact Brian Rammer, Director of Alumni Relations at or 920-465-2226 for more information.