Visiting scholar will talk Germany’s relationship with Ukraine
UW-Green Bay’s Global Studies program invites one and all to the second of its Global Studies Issues Roundtables this semester on Friday afternoon, March 14. The topic: Germany’s relations with its Eastern neighbors (Poland, Belarus and Ukraine in particular). Leading the discussion and offering a European perspective on the political crisis in Ukraine will be Professor Wolfram von Schiliha from the University of Leipzig, Germany, whose visit is sponsored by the International Visiting Scholars Program. The roundtable takes place in the MAC Hall 201 Gathering Room from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. Associate Prof. Katia Levintova, Public and Environmental Affairs, says the event taking place on the eve of spring break offers a thought-provoking and exceptionally timely topic to close the first part of the semester. Free and open to the public.