Library DOES provide access to Chronicle of Higher Education e-content
The other day, this newsletter noted that the Feb. 10 issue of the Chronicle of Higher Education carried a story about “flagship” universities facing choppy waters, with Wisconsin as Exhibit A. We said the article was available online only as pay-for-view, but the staff at our own academic library points out that through joint subscriptions to various service providers, well, they could actually make it happen. If you’re really interested in that article, or any Chronicle article, and want to view it your workstation:
1. Go to the library’s website ( and notice how beautifully redesigned it is.
2. Click on the Journals tab.
3. Type in Chronicle of Higher Education and click Search.
4. You’ll get a list of journals that the computer thinks might be what you want. Chronicle of Higher Ed is the first one on the list – click on the FindIt button.
5. Click on Full Text Online Lexis Nexis Academic.
6. Type “flagship” into the search box, in this case.
7. The article can be found on the list, titled In Rough Seas, Flagships Could Use a Course Correction.
Thanks, and next time, remember to ask a librarian. Literally. The easiest way to ask a librarian is to go to the library’s website and click the Ask A Librarian link under Research Help. You can e-mail the reference desk, call, or even IM.