Junteenth celebrations taking place in Green Bay | WLUK

GREEN BAY (WLUK) –Many in Green Bay are celebrating the news of Juneteenth becoming a national holiday. There will be a few events happening around the city on Saturday.”It’s always a good time when things happen that will move us forward with racial equality and social justice so better late than never,” said Corey King, UW-Green Bay’s vice chancellor for University Inclusivity & Student Affairs. King says he was proud of the bipartisan effort at the nation’s capitol to recognize Juneteenth as a federal holiday. 14 members of the house voted against it. “I think to me this is a strong indication that people in our country want this to happen and it is important,” said King. “While there are descending opinions, justice prevailed.”

Source: Junteenth celebrations taking place in Green Bay | WLUK

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