Warren Gerds/Critic at Large: Year in review: Best professional presentations of 2021 in Northeastern Wisconsin

GREEN BAY, Wis. (WFRV) – As live, in-person professional performance years go in Northeastern Wisconsin, 2021 was challenged.For months at the start, companies created make-do virtual productions viewed on computers or whatever. Some projects impressed and brought new experiences to companies’ audiences.And then, when live, in-person performances trickled back, eagerness to perform in and see shows swept through theaters. That underlined how important the performing arts are as part of the fabric of where we live. So, my top five best-of professional shows, followed by honorable mentions:

+ “Bent Compass,” an online presentation of a play in February on the YouTube Channel of the Weidner Center for the Performing Arts at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay. An articulate Army medic/veteran (Colin Sesek) set the table for a friend/professional actor who writes (Neil Brookshire) to present an illuminating play that explores a soul. The university augmented the production with assistance services for veterans.

Source: Warren Gerds/Critic at Large: Year in review: Best professional presentations of 2021 in Northeastern Wisconsin

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