Psi Chi promotes ‘Mind vs. Brain’ dialog with Jeffreys, Lorenz, Martin
Student Chad Osteen of the campus chapter of Psi Chi, the honor society in psychology, invites faculty and staff to an interdisciplinary conversation on the topic “Mind vs. Brain.” The event will take place Monday, Nov. 10, from 5 to 6 p.m. in Room 208 of MAC Hall. Featured will be three faculty members – Psychology Prof. Dennis Lorenz of Human Development, Religious Studies Prof. Derek Jeffreys of Humanistic Studies and Philosophy Prof. Christopher Martin of Humanistic Studies – who will each share observations on the human condition from the perspective of their respective disciplines, followed by a joint question-and-answer period. Osteen says he hopes the event will help demonstrate to students how multiple disciplines can critically examine a topic and contribute to a more thorough understanding. The program is free and open to the public.