Dale weighs in on freshman lawmakers
Speaking of the contentious political climate, legislative newcomers — including several from Northeastern Wisconsin — quickly became part of the debate as soon as they were sworn into office in January. UW-Green Bay Prof. Timothy Dale offered his take on the freshmen lawmakers for a story in Sunday’s (June 19) Green Bay Press-Gazette. Fitting in with one’s party, yet still making voters happy, can be a tough balance to strike, Dale said. “The pressure is the new legislators are in districts that had voted for the other party in a previous election and (yet) they are part of a majority that did not want to push moderate policies,” Dale said. “Typically, new people lay low, but in the Assembly there’s a permanent campaign that goes on. There’s pressure to fit in and go with what the party wants to go with, but also be sure to be serving the constituents.” Read the full story.