UW-Green Bay authors lead peer-reviewed paper on soil health in the Great Lakes basin
Prof. and Extension Specialist, Kevin Fermanich (Natural & Applied Sciences), Assistant Researcher, Molly Meyers (Environmental Management & Business Institute), Associate Prof. Karen Stahlheber (Biology), and Cofrin School of Business Dean, Mathew Dornbush, co-author a peer-reviewed article in the Journal of Environmental Quality. The article, “Challenges in linking soil health to edge-of-field water quality across the Great Lakes basin,” includes co-authors from Purdue University Agronomy Department, the United States Geological Survey (Upper Midwest Water Science Center) and USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (Resource Assessment Branch, Beltsville, MD). The article will be part of a special section in the journal on “Exploring the Soil Health-Watershed Health Nexus.” The work is part of an ongoing study that received renewed funding in 2020 through the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative and USDA. Read the news release about the original project.