Faculty note: Huh presentation

Economics Prof. Yunsun Huh, a faculty member in Democracy and Justice Studies and also Women’s and Gender Studies, recently presented her research paper “Do Tied Movers Matter?: The Effect of Home-Country Gender Status on the Labor Market Success of Immigrants” at the Midwest Economic Association Conference in Columbus, Ohio. She also participated as a discussant to discuss the paper “The Repeated Migration Puzzle: A New Explanation” by UW-Madison’s Kayuna Nakajima. Huh’s research examines variation in the labor market success of immigrants by analyzing “tied” movers and “non-tied” movers in the United States across different countries of origin. The results show distinctive differences between tied immigrants, who follow their spouses, compared to other immigrants group. Her study provides evidence of different effects of various cultural backgrounds on the married couple as well as different institutional effects between women and men.

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