Hutchison in Italy

Prof. Ray Hutchison of Urban and Regional Studies recently returned from two weeks in Italy, first at the Department of Sociology at the Università degli Studi di Bologna where he gave a lecture on The Suburbanization of Poverty in the United States, United Kingdom and France, and then at the School of Architecture at the Universita degli Studi di Firenze where he participated in a graduate workshop on research methods (Case Study and Comparative Research) attended by more than 100 graduate students from more than half a dozen Italian universities. His presentation at the graduate workshop was titled Suburbanizzazione comparativo: Dimensioni storiche e culturali (Historical and Cultural Perspectives on Comparative Suburbanization). He also presented a talk on Medieval Florence and the Tourist City to a student workshop at the annual meeting of the Roundtable of Experts of the Fondazione Romauldo del Bianco in Florence.

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