Prof. Patrick Forsythe, NAS, recipient of multiple grants for Juvenile Lake Sturgeon research

Professor Patrick Forsythe is the recipient of three grant awards (a total of $528k) funded by the Great Lakes Fish and Wildlife Restoration Act sponsored by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, the Mitigation and Enhancement Fund sponsored by WE Energies and the Freshwater Collaborative of Wisconsin.
Dr. Forsythe’s research will evaluate the behavioral ecology of juvenile lake sturgeon within the lower Menominee River and downstream passage through the Park Mill and Menominee Dams. His team will investigate the interaction of juvenile sturgeon with downstream passage opportunities in place at both dams, quantify the number of tagged fish that pass each dam, and examine the proportion that survive downstream passage using a combination of passive and active tracking technologies. Dr. Forsythe is a proud member of Natural and Applied Sciences.