In the news: Education’s Kaufman provides context for pair of Press-Gazette stories
Education Chair and Associate Prof. Tim Kaufman lent his expertise recently to a pair of Green Bay Press-Gazette stories on the issue of school report cards and poverty. Kaufman was quoted in Sunday’s (Jan. 25) cover story that found poor and minority students are more likely to attend what are termed “failing” schools than their more affluent courterparts. “These data point at an issue that is outside of schools’ control,” Kaufman said, “… Poverty often trumps good teaching.” Kaufman also was quoted in a Monday follow-up story that looks at the successes of the relatively affluent — and high-performing — Wrightstown Middle School. “For schools with less poverty,” Kaufman said, “the report cards may be a truer indication of teaching and learning.”
Full stories:
January 25 story
January 26 story