Food system activist Gustafson to speak Nov. 4

A sustainable food system activist, author, innovator and social entrepreneur will share her message with the campus community from 7-8 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 4 in Phoenix Room B of the University Union. Ellen Gustafson’s First book, We the Eaters: If We Change Dinner, We Can Change the World, was published by Rondale Press in May 2014. She is the co-founder of Food Tank: The Food Think Tank, and founder of a small sustainable home goods company called the Apron Project. Before the launch of Food Tank, Gustafson founded The 30 Project, a campaign that has helped to change the conversation about the global food system by connecting hunger and obesity. She is also the creator of the Change Dinner campaign and HealthClass2.0, which are helping individuals change the food system at dinner tables and in schools. Sponsored by the Office of Student Life.

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