Green Bay Estuary digital archives collection launch

The University of Wisconsin-Green Bay has a long history of significant water-related research and education programs related to the Green Bay Estuary. Since its beginning, the University has been environmentally focused, with faculty and students creating a long history of water-related research.

Now, UW-Green Bay is the state lead for the designation of a Green Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR). As a part of that designation process, UW-Green Bay and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources partnered to create the Green Bay Estuary Digital Archives Collection, which includes original materials related to the region’s water history, science, and cultural impact from the UW-Green Bay Archives collections. The digital collection seeks to tell the story of the Green Bay Estuary through photographs, postcards, maps, oral history interviews, and historical records. This project was funded through generous support from the Wisconsin Coastal Management Program, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, and the UW-Green Bay Libraries.

A formal launch of the Green Bay Estuary Digital Archives Collection will be held at the UW-Green Bay campus, Mary Ann Cofrin Hall, Room 204 on Thursday, August 24 from 10 to 11 a.m. The focus of the launch will be a virtual tour of the Green Bay Estuary Digital Archives Collection. After the event, this digital collection will be publicly available for research and accessible to anyone with an interest in the Green Bay Estuary.

The Green Bay Estuary Digital Archives Collection launch is available both in-person and virtually. You do not need to RSVP to attend either the virtual or concurrent in-person event. If you will be joining virtually, you can join the Zoom call here. If you require any accommodations to attend the Green Bay Estuary Digital Archives Collection launch, please contact

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