You’re invited to ‘Cool Chemistry’ at the Manitowoc Campus!

The UW-Green Bay, Manitowoc Campus invites you to an educational, exciting and explosive evening of ‘Cool Chemistry’! Hosted in the Manitowoc Campus University Theatre, this free event is open to the public.
There will be two free shows on Thursday, April 27:
- 4:30 p.m. for young scientists (3-8 years old)
- 6:30 p.m. for big kids (ages 9 and up)
Some of the fun things you’ll be get the chance to experience at this event include:
- Explosions
- Color-changing solutions
- Solid foams
- Dry ice fog
- Fire
- You’ll even get the chance to make your own slime after the show!
Doors open 45 minutes prior to each show. Only 350 people will be admitted to each show, and they will run 45-60 minutes each. Families will be asked to attend only one show. Interested in a chance to be a volunteer participant? Pick up a ticket at the door when you walk in!
For more information, contact Dr. Amy Kabrhel at 920-683-2746 or