April 2 conference will target best practices in teaching Middle East topics
As part of the follow-up program for the Fulbright-Hayes Group Project Abroad Grant, the Center for Middle East Studies and Partnerships extends an open invitation to a conference organized for K-12 teachers and university educators. Titled “Globalizing the Classroom: Developing Best Practices for Teaching Middle Eastern Content,” the conference will be held at UW-Green Bay on Saturday, April 2.
Morning sessions include three lectures by specialists in Middle East History:
Prof. Kate Lang of UW-Eau Claire, Women and Islam;
Prof. Edgar Francis, of UW-Stevens Point, The Geography of the Middle East; and
Prof. Robert Kramer of St. Norbert College, Islam and the West.
Afternoon sessions include presentations by UW-Green Bay faculty members on culture (David Coury), children (Jill White), the Vikings and the Islamic World (Heidi Sherman), and lesson plans developed by pre-service and K-12 teachers on children’s literature and history. Jay Harris and participants in the Young Entrepreneurs Program from Israel and Jordan will also present in the afternoon.
The conference is supported by an OPID grant, the Center for Middle East Partnerships, and Humanistic Studies. All are welcome, but please contact Heidi Sherman (shermanh@uwgb.edu or 920-465-5146) to register as a lunch will be provided.