Busy day Tuesday with Watershed Monitoring Symposium on campus
Area high school students, teachers and university researchers will gather here Tuesday (March 15) for the eighth annual watershed symposium hosted by the Lower Fox River Watershed Monitoring Program and the Cofrin Center for Biodiversity. The program provides hands-on science education for young people and has yielded important data on tributaries that feed the Fox River and influence water quality on the bay of Green Bay. The symposium begins at 8:15 a.m. and continues throughout the day in Mary Ann Cofrin Hall. Pat Robinson, freshwater estuary specialist with UW-Extension, will provide the keynote address on “Great Lakes freshwater estuaries: What are they and why should we care?” Prof. Kevin Fermanich is the program’s point person, and NAS colleague Prof. Dan Meinhardt will present on “Skeletal Abnormalities in Frogs.” Matt Maccoux, a UW-Green Bay grad student, will present “Phosphorus in Green Bay and the Great Lakes.” The symposium and Lower Fox River Watershed Monitoring Program are supported in part by a gift from Arjo Wiggins Appleton Ltd. The latest gift expanded the program to include diverse students including a group from the Boys and Girls Club of Green Bay. Read more about the symposium here.