Cofrin Student Research presentations are Thursday
The 1965 Room in the University Union will provide the setting from 1 to 4 p.m. Thursday (Feb. 25) for the Cofrin Student Research Symposium. Students will present the results of independent research projects that were conducted on UW-Green Bay’s managed natural areas. Projects include a survey of snakes on campus, a comparison of arthropods living at different heights in Cofrin Arboretum forest, a survey of fungi in Mahon Woods, an examination of tree seed production in Mahon Woods, a bioassessment of arthropods in Mahon Creek, and a comparison of white-tailed deer herbivory on native plants. The Sager Scholarship award will also be presented at the symposium. The program is open to any and all interested in seeing what top students are discovering in these natural areas. See the schedule of presentations and more information about the Cofrin Student Research Grant program, click here.