More snow is on the way, here’s a winter storm policy refresher

With more snow expected this week, it’s time for a storm policy refresher. You can find more on the Provost’s page:

Campus closing vs. cancellation of classes
The closing of campus and the cancelling of classes are two different decisions. UW-Green Bay is a state agency, and closing the campus is a state, not a local, decision.

Who makes the decision?
The decision to cancel classes is made by the Chancellor, on the recommendation of the Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance and the Provost. They are advised by the Director of Public Safety, who monitors road conditions in our region and the ability of the campus grounds crew to keep the campus accessible.

What if a faculty member is unable to reach the University to hold a scheduled class?
If an instructor is unable to hold a scheduled class because he or she cannot reach the University during a winter storm, the instructor must notify University General Information (920-465-2000). Students call University General Information to learn of classes that will not be held. Leaving a call at the budgetary unit office or leaving a note on a classroom door is not an acceptable alternative to calling University General Information.

Who decides whether students, faculty or staff should try to get to campus?
The judgment about whether or not to come to campus rests with the individual. Nobody who feels it is unsafe should attempt the trip. Driving conditions may vary across the wide geographical region served by UW-Green Bay. Individuals need to consider their own local conditions as they make their judgments.

Find further clarification on the Provost site.