‘Love for Lobes’ captains say ‘thank you’

They will continue collecting through Thursday. Campus ‘Love for Lobes’ captains say “thank you” for the many pairs of earrings donated so far to the cause. UW-Green Bay is partnering with Green Bay Southwest High School DECA (international marketing association) students for the holiday service project. Through “Love for Lobes,” an earring (new only) collection is being made for women affected by cancer. All earrings will be donated to local oncology clinics. Please consider picking up a new pair of earrings (attached to original packaging) and donating them by Dec. 15 (new date) to the cause. Captains and drop-off locations:

  • Jen Jones, Director of Admissions, GBOSS
  • Paula Ganyard, Director of Cofrin Library, CL 408A
  • Lisa Tetzloff, Director of Student Life, UU150
  • Sue Bodilly, Director of Marketing, CL 820

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