‘High-Impact Practices’ conference issues call for proposals
The first-time conference High Impact Practices: Fostering Success for All Students, to be held on campus Jan. 20, is inviting interested faculty, staff and peers to submit proposals for session workshops. Sessions can be presentations, panels or workshop format, and should be 45 minutes in length. The conference will focus on a set of learning experiences that have been widely found to promote success for students from many different backgrounds, with a focus on practices that involve quality of effort; substantive interaction with faculty, staff and peers; interaction with diversity; required reflection and integration; and practice in real-world settings. A list of suggested topics, as well as the proposal form, can be found at: www.uwgb.edu/outreach/facultydev. Proposals are due by Nov. 30. If you have any question please contact Denise Bartell, director of the Center for Students in Transition at bartelld@uwgb.edu.