Legislative Affairs panel sets higher ed forum for Oct. 28, invites your questions
The Legislative Affairs Committee is announcing a change in its plans to host a panel discussion on the opportunities and challenges facing higher education in Wisconsin. The LAC will partner with student government to host this event at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 28, in the Union’s Christie Theatre. (That’s a reschedule from Oct. 22.) Thus far, candidates John Macco, Eric Genrich and Dan Robinson have agreed to participate, with more expected. This event will be free and open to the public. To prepare for this event, the Legislative Affairs Committee is asking faculty and staff members to contribute questions for the panelists. The Committee will choose a representative list of questions and share this list with our panelists prior to the event. However, a comprehensive list of questions will be kept on file and can be made available by request. Please send your questions to Dallas Blaney (blaneyd@uwgb.edu) by Oct. 17. Please insert “Panel Questions” in the subject heading of your email.