We love this title: ‘Termites, Fire and Cane Toads’
The next program in the NAS Seminar Series, a presentation by Prof. Robert Howe, takes place this Friday (Oct. 14) in Environmental Sciences Building, with a social gathering at 3 p.m. in ES 317 and the program from 3:30 to 4:30 in ES 328. His title is “Termites, Fire, and Cane Toads: Ecology in Australia’s Northern Territory.” Australia’s “Top End” between Darwin and the inland deserts supports a landscape of monsoon woodlands, drought-tolerant grasslands, rich Aboriginal heritage, and one of the most unusual and interesting ecosystems on earth. Howe, Barbara Hauxhurst Cofrin Professor of Natural Sciences at UW-Green Bay, will describe the profound effects of termites, Aboriginal humans, and more recent settlers on the plants and animals of this region, with a description of his recent trip to the region.