EIM-OC offers exercise psychology and health psychology consulting

The Exercise is Medicine – On Campus (EIM-OC) team is offering free exercise psychology and health psychology consulting to staff and faculty at UWGB and regional campuses. Exercise psychology and health psychology consulting focuses on providing the resources to help people thrive both mentally and physically to achieve optimal health. EIM-OC consultants, who are graduate students in the Sport, Exercise and Performance Psychology Program, can work with individuals to help manage stress, build confidence, enhance motivation, set goals and so much more related to health and physical activity. Consulting sessions are available 8 a.m.-12 p.m., Monday-Thursday, throughout the Fall semester. Generally, sessions occur weekly or biweekly for 45-60 minutes. If you are interested in meeting with a consultant, please email eim-oc@uwgb.edu to express your interest.

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