Two fall 2012 funding opportunities, from the Research Council
The UW-Green Bay Research Council is pleased to announce two Fall 2012 funding opportunities. Information and deadlines are as follows:
• Grants in Aid of Research (Applications are due Oct. 22) — Grants up to $800 (see guidelines for details) must be used in support of faculty research. The number of applications received and the amount of funding available for distribution will determine the number of awards that can be made. While all proposals will be considered, preference will be given to tenure track faculty and those individuals who have not received funding recently. More details.
• Research Scholar Program (Applications due Nov. 5) — Support from the Office of the Provost continues to make possible this program which provides a three-credit course release. The Research Scholar will be able to use the time afforded by the release to advance his or her scholarship. The program is open to all full-time tenured or tenure-track faculty members at UW-Green Bay. The Scholar will be expected to work on a specific research project and generate a tangible product during the semester of work (e.g., a grant proposal, draft of a manuscript, book proposal, or preparation of creative works for exhibition/performance/publication). Time may be used to develop a new project (e.g., a grant proposal), to complete an existing project (e.g., the final chapters of a book), or to complete a distinct stage of a larger ongoing project. More details.