Help us help you have a comprehensive ‘phone book’
Reminder: Help us help you have a comprehensive ‘phone book’
A great number of offices have already returned their department listings, as requested last week by Betsy Bassett-Piehl in the Marketing/Communication Office. (Many thanks!) However, a few departments are still outstanding, and you are reminded that Friday (July 29) was the target date for offices to update their departmental information. Stragglers are welcome, too. Contact Betsy at or ext. 2626 if you need a re-send on her query form.
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Why a manually compiled print book in the digital age? Popular demand, for one. Many still prefer a paper directory. More important, the Departmental section of the book is the place to list names and contact info for specific functions or services that might not be easily “gleanable” from a database of individual job titles or an assortment of separate webpages. Finally, the Departmental section also includes not only official UW-Green Bay offices but those with strong ties but no state employees (DigiCopy, Credit Union, Mauthe Center and others).
For your individual listing, remember to go online, to HR
It’s that time of year, again. UW-Green Bay employees are reminded to revisit their individual information in the Human Resources database, and make their own updates if needed. (Some of that basic online information — name, title, work contact info — is used to populate the “People Search” online and the employee portion of the print directory.) To update your individual campus information (again, that’s the individual listing), complete the form at and send to Human Resources.