Become a more purposeful leader

Become a more purposeful leader with an Advanced Supervisory Leadership certificate program from the Division of Continuing Education and Community Engagement, which delivers the training necessary to help expand your awareness of yourself and others and connect teams with purpose to achieve business goals. Candidates for this certificate will need to have completed our Supervisory Leadership Certificate as a prerequisite.
This next level training includes courses on the following:
- Leading through Change
- Multicultural Teams
- Neurodiversity in Leadership
- Purpose-Driven Mentoring & Coaching
- Strategic Planning
- The Ethics of Leadership
The six sessions are available August 23 through November 15 and are 100% online. You may take courses ala carte, or you may take all courses to earn a certificate and digital badge. Cost is $99 per course with a 20% discount on the certificate.
Learn more and register on the website.