Public Safety: Click It or Ticket Seat Belt safety mobilization taking place May 20 through June 2
Message from UW-Green Bay Public Safety:
To prevent traffic deaths and injuries, UW-Green Bay Police and Wisconsin law enforcement will giving “final exams” (or substitute educating) to anyone not wearing a seat belt during the annual Click It or Ticket Seat Belt safety mobilization from May 20 through June 2, 2019. Daily use of seat belts is the most effective way to protect people from injuries and we want all our Phoenix to stay safe and get 100% on this exam. Please encourage anyone in your vehicle to buckle up to pass the safety exam with a perfect score.
In another matter: Congratulations to UW-Green Bay Police, awarded $12,000 in equipment grants for past participation in three national highway traffic safety campaigns and will purchase officer body cameras, squad mounted cameras, and portable breath testing devices to continue their safety focus and to keep UW-Green Bay an excellent play to learn, live and work. Good Luck with finals and have a safe summer.
Go Phoenix!
UW-Green Bay Police