Reminder: Pick-up your compost for free on Saturday, April 30

It’s first-come, first-served at the compost pick-up on the Green Bay Campus, Saturday, April 30 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Wood Hall Parking Lot. It is free and open to the public. The compost is made from food scraps from the dining hall and other organic materials.

Intern Bryce Oysti works 20 hours-per-week loading, unloading, charting and doing other sustainability efforts in the Union. The composter hit its highest input to date last week with 3,265 pounds of material input. The average is 2,422 pounds per week. The mix that goes in with the waste is primarily wood chips created from trees cut down on campus.

Prof. David Voelker’s GPS class is working on a prototype program to start composting in Residence Life, as well.

Those who wish to pick up the free compost must load their own containers (five-gallon buckets are suggested). Questions can be directed to or