Take Pride: LGBTQ Center gets new name

Our friends at the (now former) LGBTQ Resource Center are proud to announce they’ve changed the name of the space to the Pride Center. Interim Diversity Director Stacie Christian tells us this is part of a naming trend among colleges and universities looking to be more inclusive for all individuals who identify as gender minorities. She invites the campus community to stop by the Pride Center, Room 150 in the University Union (next to the Christie Theatre) and say hello!

And speaking of Pride: SAFE Ally trainings coming up
The Pride Center is hosting one more Level 1 and two more Level 2 SAFE Ally trainings this semester. The Level 1 training will be held from 2-4 p.m. Wednesday, March 26 and the Level 2 trainings will be held from 1-3 p.m. Monday, March 31 and 9-11 a.m. Friday, April 25. Participants will receive up-to-date information on gender minority topics and will learn what it means to be affirming and supporting for those who identify as gender minorities. To register, please contact Stacie Christian at christis@uwgb.edu.

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