Phoenix Bookstore Update

The Phoenix Bookstore is closed to the public, but these services are available virtually:

Rental Check-In and Book Buyback 

Follett is offering all students the opportunity to print a shipping label to return your rental books when you are done with them. If you did not order your books online you will need to create an account at using the same email you used when you rented your textbooks. Click on “my account” then click on “rental history.” Under each term there is a link to print a free shipping label. 

Information needed to return or sell books: Name, phone number, email address, mailing address and the quantity of books shipped back. 

Buyback can be done by sending your books with your rental books (note: we do not accept loose leaf copies of books for buyback) or you can visit to sell your books. A check will be mailed to you when your books are processed. 

Free online shipping and Free e-books 

Visit the store website,, for Free Shipping on all items with no minimum purchase. This includes various formats of course materials, supplies, apparel, technology and more. Since many online orders are fulfilled directly from your campus store, The Bookstore will execute online orders as long as the store is accessible by staff. 

Visit the campus store website, to gain access to eBooks at no additional charge with your .edu email address. Each student can access up to 7 eBooks for the designated period free of charge. 

Free Shipping on Rental Returns & Deadline Extensions 

The campus store is offering free shipping return labels and is also extending the non-return period without penalty to assist with increased returns by mail. Click the COVID-19 message on the home page of the campus store website,, for the details. 


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