Out Now! 2023 Faculty & Staff Climate and Engagement Survey
On Tuesday, January 31st, employees with at least a one-semester appointment received an invitation from the Higher Education Research Institute (HERI) to participate in the Faculty & Staff Climate and Engagement Survey. The distribution and collection period for the survey is January 31, 2023 – March 9, 2023. The actual request to participate with the link to the survey and reminders during the collection period are sent from HERI directly from the following email addresses:
- Faculty Survey: HERIFacultySurvey@DataRecognitionCorp.com
- Staff Survey: heri@vainc.net
The survey is voluntary, and your confidentiality is assured. If you did not receive an invitation on January 31st, please contact HR at hr@uwgb.edu. We greatly appreciate your participation in taking the upcoming survey and encouraging peers to participate as well! Please visit this blog post for frequently asked questions regarding the 2023 Faculty & Staff Climate and Engagement Survey.