Register by Jan. 17, 2020 for this year’s Instructional Development Institute

There’s still time to register for the Jan. 23, 2020 Instructional Development Institute! CATL and the Instructional Development Council invite faculty and staff to attend this year’s event, which will explore Cia Verschelden’s metaphor of Bandwidth Recovery. Students who face poverty, food insecurity, systemic racism and mental wellness issues are unable to commit their entire “cognitive bandwidth” to academic and personal growth. What can we do to enable students to engage in university life with the cognitive, social and environmental resources they need to be successful? Keynote Cyndi Kernahan (UW-River Falls) will lead us through Helping our Students Think Better and Succeed More: Small Tweaks and Wise Interventions. Throughout the day we will focus on the small tweaks and wise interventions that instructors can make to help students channel their energy toward being successful learners. Please be sure to register by Jan. 17, 2020.

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