Celebrating the Governor’s Archive Award 2018

Congratulations to the University Archives and Area Research Center staff on the Governor’s Archive Award 2018. Matt Blessing, state archivist and division administrator for the Wisconsin Historical Society, was on campus Wednesday, Oct. 24, 2018 to present the award to an appreciative crowd. Citing many thoughtful collaborative projects with UW-Green Bay faculty, Blessing said that UW-Green Bay Archivist Deb Anderson, along with her staff, are admired statewide for the leadership and collaboration they demonstrate as they work with faculty to immerse archives into the classroom experience. (Anderson also received the Governor’s Award for Archival Advocacy in 2005.)
Blessing applauded UW-Green Bay for being able to work with and across many varied departments and disciplines. The plaque says, “For broadening the use and study of archival collections across the undergraduate curriculum, presented to the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Area Research Center, from the Wisconsin Historical Society.”
Speaking at the event on behalf of UW-Green Bay were Provost Greg Davis, Associate Prof. Caroline Boswell (Humanities), Assistant Vice Chancellor Paula Ganyard (who read a letter of appreciation from Associate Prof. Alison Staudinger, Democracy and Justice Studies) and Anderson, who accepted the award on behalf of the University.
Click to advance slideshow or view the album on Flickr.
– Photos by Dan Moore, Marketing and University Communication