Students grateful for Craig Mueller Scholarships

Annual reception honors his memory and celebrates student success
When Craig A. Mueller ’71 (Humanism in Cultural Change) passed in 2006, he left a gift to the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay that was at the time, at just over $1 million, the largest ever to the University from an alumnus. Students in majors dear to his heart — art, music, theater, communications — and the Phuture Phoenix program — now benefit from his tremendous generosity through scholarships.
As she has annually for years, Craig’s sister, Marcia Mueller, makes the journey from Seattle to Green Bay to help celebrate Craig’s lasting legacy and impact. This year, his generosity is providing 40 UW-Green Bay students with scholarship assistance. And since the fund’s inception, 200 students have received a Craig A. Mueller Scholarship. Marcia and students celebrated together at a reception, Monday, Dec. 12 in Mary Ann Cofrin Hall Winter Garden, on the UW-Green Bay campus.
Junior Music and Theatre major Emily Ahrens (Roscoe, Ill.) gave testimony to the impact Craig’s (and Marcia’s) generosity continues to make to UW-Green Bay students.
“I want you to know how (the scholarship and the experiences it has provided) has changed me as a performer and as a person. The confidence I have gained, the skills I have acquired, the love I have developed for the theatre… all of those have come as a result of this scholarship. The person who arrived here freshman year is unrecognizable in comparison to who stands before you now, and I am proud of what I’ve become. So, to the Mueller family, from myself and all the other untold stories sitting in this room, let me just say a heartfelt thank you…”
You can read more about Craig Mueller here.
Click to advance slideshow or view the album on Flickr.
– Photos by Amanda Jo Danihel and Dan Moore, Marketing and University Communication