Congratulations to ‘RiceFest’ organizers

Mentioned before in this space — RiceFest 2017 was a big success! Nearly 2,000 pounds of wild rice was seeded in the bay of Green Bay last week to help restore the aquatic ecosystem.
“From the seeders, to the boat operators, to the ice breakers, to the rice transporters, to the planning team…many people contributed their time and expertise to the success of the project,” said Amy Carrozzino-Lyon (Natural and Applied Sciences), the Green Bay Restoration Project coordinator. Here’s a look at RiceFest 2017 by the numbers:
5 days of wild rice seeding at 6 sites
29 people seeded rice (many participated on multiple days)
42 bags of rice (1,981 lbs.) transported and seeded
39 total acres of wetlands seeded
2 days of ice breaking on the lower bay
5 days of ice breaking at the storage pond
1 site seeded by canoe (Point Sable)
The Green Bay Press-Gazette and Fox 11 had coverage.
Photos submitted.