All about the Carillon

Ed Weidner Memorial CarillonWondering what the new bell tower is outside the University Union?

Well, it’s the new Ed Weidner Memorial Carillon, constructed in the early summer of 2009 in honor of UW-Green Bay’s founding chancellor. (For more on Chancellor Weidner, click here).

Watch the informational video to learn more.

Video Transcript

(Carillon playing UW-Green Bay’s Alma Mater)

Shane Kohl
Hi, I’m Shane Kohl, director of development here at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay. If you’re new to campus, or maybe if you haven’t been back to campus in a few months, you may have noticed a new addition here on campus, the Weidner Memorial Carillon.

I’m guessing there’s a group of intelligent, articulate students who have some questions about it. Lets see what they’re thinking.

Student 1
What is a carillon, Shane?

Shane Kohl
That’s a great question, and… this is a carillon. Well, this is an electronic carillon. When you think of a carillon, you may think of a swinging bell that includes a striking mechanism. But as an electronic carillon, this really doesn’t have bells. Instead, it has a speaker system at the top and an aesthetic bell attached to the bottom.

Student 2
So why do we have it on campus?

Shane Kohl
Another great question. The carillon was added to campus this spring. And it’s named after our founding chancellor, Dr. Edward W. Weidner. Chancellor Weidner was truly the founding chancellor here at UW-Green Bay, literally and figuratively helping plan the campus, both physically and our curriculum.

One of the things Chancellor Weidner always felt was missing from campus was a carillon. In his collegiate experience, both as a student and educator, he was on campuses that included carillons, including Michigan State. He remembers the carillons striking at football games, convocations and commencement ceremonies at universities where he taught. When he passed away, his friends and family decided that the campus needed a carillon. And so they were able to get together and help build this wonderful tribute to his legacy here at UW-Green Bay.

Student 3
So what’s this carillon going to play?

Shane Kohl
This electronic carillon comes pre-loaded with over 400 songs, everything from the theme to Star Wars, to Amazing Grace.

Student 4
When will we hear it?

Shane Kohl
You’ll hear the carillon beginning mid morning and going until early evening, at the top and the bottom of each hour. The chimes and the melodies that you’ll hear at the top and the bottom of each hour were arranged by UW-Green Bay faculty member and graduate Cheryl Grosso.

Student 4
Is that the only time we’ll hear it?

Shane Kohl
Absolutely not. Certain songs can be programmed throughout the day. For example, right now, after the noon hour, you’ll hear the University’s Alma Mater play. In addition, we can play it during holidays or Halloween, whenever we’d like.

Student 5
Is that bell at the top real?

Shane Kohl
No it’s not. It’s actually plastic, and it’s for aesthetic purposes.

Student 6
How tall is it?

Shane Kohl
This carillon (knocks on side of tower leg)… 35 feet tall.

Student 6

Is there anything else this carillon can do?

Shane Kohl
Absolutely. It comes with a 61-key keyboard that can be played for concerts by faculty and students.

Student 3
Thanks for the info, Shane. It sounds like a sweet addition to campus.

Shane Kohl
It is indeed a sweet addition to campus. We’re honored to have it here. Our hope is that faculty, staff, students, alumni and even community members will be able to enjoy the carillon year round.

(Carillon playing UW-Green Bay’s Alma Mater)


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