‘Timing is Everything’ insists UW-Green Bay Psychology graduate Lorenzo Lones

“Timing is everything.”
You may call that phrase cliché. Lorenzo Lones calls it truth. The 2016 University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Psychology graduate is currently a Neuroscience Ph.D. student at Washington University in St. Louis where he’s on a lab rotation, including the lab of Erik Herzog, Ph.D. studying “how cells in the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus (SCN) communicate to each other to generate circadian rhythms.”
Here’s the thing… it wasn’t that long ago when the 16-year old Lorenzo Lones hit a “rebellious” stage, left his grandparents in Chicago in hopes of a “less-disciplined” lifestyle. He moved to Green Bay to live with his brother. And instead of a life on easy street, his new road led to unforeseen roadblocks; culture shock, isolation and depression.
So how did he get from there to here? From few friends and failing grades to an honor student and the pride of UW-Green Bay Psychology?
Timing. “It’s everything,” he argues. In fact, the current research he and his mentor are conducting in the lab, can prove it!
Lones can tell you his story better than it can be told. And he tells it really, really well in his PSITalk of a few weeks ago. PSITalks are 8- to 10-minute engaging and thought-provoking presentations that link psychology concepts to life. His presentation is on Youtube. Watch it here.
To get more insight into Lones’ life as a Ph.D. student and UW-Green Bay alumnus, follow “LifeatUWGB” on Instagram. This week he serves as a volunteer host.