Category: Announcements

Are you a 4-H alumni? Let us know!

Are you a 4-H alumni? Let us know!

The UW-Green Bay Collegiate 4-H club would like to recognize faculty and staff who were ever 4-H club members. Please complete this form and the club will deliver a 4-H decal for you to...

Salsa is still available!

Salsa is still available!

If you thought Steve Meyer’s retirement meant no more salsa, think again. Steve has been busy in the kitchen making this year’s salsa, and thanks to the generosity of CSET Dean John Katers, it...

Check out this year’s VYPERFEST!

VYPERFEST is coming to Green Bay on September 30th! This all-day event features food trucks, an exclusive car show, burnout pit, specialized classes held by Adam’s Polishes and Lincoln Electric, and a live concert...

Nonprofit get-together

Nonprofit get-together

Join us for a nonprofit get-together and social hour with snacks and drinks provided. The get-together will take place on Wednesday, September 27 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. at Christopher Farm & Gardens...