The Top 10 UW-Green Bay photos (plus two) from 2017

It’s been another great year at UW-Green Bay. Looking back on 2017, UW-Green Bay photographer/videographer Dan Moore ’00 (Communication) pulled 10 (plus two) of his favorite images from the year, presented in no particular order.

Cofrin Library Star-Trails

top10-1I’ve wanted to try out this effect for some time, and the cover shoot for the spring issue of Inside magazine provided me the opportunity. This is a composite of 30, 1-second exposures of the library and the stars overhead, which have been digitally “stacked” with the newer exposures gradually faded out.

Peregrine Falcon

top10-2This was a summer of falcons with the family of four falcon chicks nesting on top of the Cofrin Library.  This was my favorite image of one of them perched at the rooftop’s edge.

Daya at Weidner

top10-3Photographing concerts is not easy, but my capable intern Amanda Jo Danihel proves she is up to the task with this image from March of Daya performing on the Weidner Center stage.

Empty Bowls

top10-4I love the Art Agency’s annual Empty Bowl fundraiser and was pleased with how this promotional image came out.

Fish Monitoring in the Bay

top10-5I was able to tag along as Patrick Forsythe’s students helped monitor fish near the mouth of Green Bay. What an amazing classroom!

Jumping for Phuture Phoenix Joy

top10-6These Phuture Phoenix students were so excited for this photo. I wish I could take more credit, but the jumping was all their idea.

Students Walking Past Campus Memorial Garden

top10-7Warm autumn weather, colorful trees and the flowers of the campus Memorial Garden made for the perfect conditions for a campus beauty shot.

Keith White Prairie Burn

top10-8This photo was taken during a prescribed burn in the Cofrin Arboretum. The distortion caused by the fire just looks cool (figuratively) and hot (literally).

Marcelo Cruz Class

top10-9I was impressed with the work of Marcelo Cruz’s Urban and Regional Studies students in developing ideas for improvements to the Bay Beach area.  Every idea was challenged and refined to produce the best possible plan for the area.

Rock the Resch

top10-10Rock the Resch was a great event bringing together students, alumni and community members for a Phoenix Men’s Basketball Game.  This shot of students “Phlashing the Phoenix” was my favorite from the night.

Bonus Photo 1 – Total Solar Eclipse Over Grand Teton

top10-bonus-1I had the chance to take a vacation to Grand Teton National Park for August’s total solar eclipse. I hiked into Cascade Canyon and was able to capture this image of totality. It was an unforgettable scene.

Bonus Photo 2 – Ellie!

top10-bonus-2My wife and I welcomed our first baby in November. This is from when Ellie was just a couple of weeks old, and seriously… that face!

Narrative by UW-Green Bay photographer and videographer Dan Moore. Photos by Dan Moore and Amanda Jo Danihel, Marketing and University Communications.

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