Faculty staff note: Chattopadhyay and Gallagher-Lepak support TEALS program

Assistant Prof. Ankur Chattopadhyay (Information & Computing Sciences) and Susan Gallagher-Lepak (Dean of the College of Health, Education and Social Welfare), met with Microsoft’s Technology Education and Literacy in Schools (TEALS) program founder Kevin Wang and Midwest region manager Greg Teschner, as well as Kathleen Gallagher, executive director of the Milwaukee Institute. The mission of the TEALS program is “computer science in every high school.” During their visit to the Green Bay and Appleton areas to meet with administrators, teachers and students, Wang and Teschner encouraged high schools to apply to the TEALS program, now serving 25 states outside of Wisconsin, and supported by Microsoft Philanthropies. The program partners with high schools to build teacher capacity and student interest in computer science (CS). Chattopadhyay and Gallagher-Lepak support the TEALS program and shared with Microsoft the goal of preparing students for the jobs of today and tomorrow. For more information on the TEALS program, go to tealsk12.org.

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