Inclusive Excellence sponsoring second roundtable, Feb. 20
Inclusive Excellence is sponsoring a second all-campus roundtable discussion from noon to 1 p.m. Monday, Feb. 20, in Phoenix Room B and C. Nearly 200 employees and students participated in the first roundtable last semester, and more than 26 pages of information was gathered as a result. The goal is for another 200 individuals to attend Monday’s discussion. A light lunch sponsored by the Dean of Students and Chartwells will be available starting at 11:45 a.m. The discussion questions are: 1) What do you need in order for the UWGB campus to be a welcoming and safe environment for you (in the workplace/classroom or campus living), and how is this need being met or not met? and 2) How can you enhance someone else’s positive experience at UWGB and to make them feel safe and welcome?