Sit back and enjoy Episode 2 of ‘Game and Learn’ now on YouTube
Log editors are providing this post, right from the inbox… “The temperature is dropping and we are all winding down for the semester, so what better way to kick back than with the long-awaited second episode of Game and Learn? This unique production of Information Science’s Game Studies emphasis has Prof. Bryan Carr sitting down with faculty and staff from UW-Green Bay to play video games and talk about their unique research, interests and experience. In honor of the likely smash hit “Super Mario Run” (the first ever time a Super Mario game has appeared on mobile phones!) this new episode focuses on the development of video game music and sound through the lens of the Super Mario series. Carr hangs out with Prof. Eric Hansen from UWGB Music for a wide-ranging discussion about the technological, stylistic and gameplay influences on the series’ music and how video game music has developed as a unique art form all its own. You will laugh, you will learn, you will get very frustrated that they can’t seem to figure out how jumping works. The video is available now on the UWGB Game Studies YouTube channel. Stay tuned for new episodes during the winter break.”