Non-musical version of Searching for Romeo coming soon
The publishers of Brian Sutton’s Searching for Romeo (Steele Spring Stage Rights Press), will soon publish a non-musical version of the play as a companion piece to the musical version. In both versions, the main script is modest with alternative spicier material in an appendix. Sutton explains, “If Searching for Romeo is going to keep being produced, its best market is probably high schools. First off, it’s absolutely immersed in Shakespearean literature, thus appealing to a lot of high school English teachers (who also often double as directors of the school play). Second, at bottom it’s a rom-com in which two nice high school kids find each other for a happy ending, thus potentially appealing to a lot of high school students. So, sugar-coated Shakespeare. Third, it’s a large-cast play, which is poison for marketing to professional troupes and even to many community theatres, but it’s a big advantage in high schools, where the goal is often to cast everyone who tries out.”