PRSSA students help coordinate Communication Open House
This Friday (Nov. 21), UW-Green Bay will be hosting an open house day for the Communication program. It’s the fifth year of hosting an open house preview day, where prospective students learn about a specific major, get an introduction to faculty and meet current students. This year’s attendees will participate in programs including “A Day in the Life of a Comm Student” and “Communication Lingo Bingo—Learning Comm Language.” For the first time, UW-Green Bay’s Admissions Office partnered with a student organization to plan the event. The campus chapter of the Public Relations Student Society of America PRSSA took leadership in organizing the program content, arranging speakers, and coordinating event logistics. A special thank you goes to the members of PRSSA executive board — Taylor Thomson, Sarah Alexander, Bill Canzoneri, Sandra Graybill, Sally Henne, Melissa Schleicher, and Katelyn Staaben — for their dedication in helping the event take shape.