Press-Gazette person of year to address Phoenix GPS students Friday …
An inspirational athlete named the Green Bay Press-Gazette’s 2013 Person of the Year will share his story with students in the Phoenix GPS program Friday (Feb. 7), speaking on campus and attending a reception with students, faculty and staff.
Christian Jensen created the Wisconsin Chapter of My Team Triumph, a non-profit athletic mentoring program that pairs individuals with disabilities with able-bodied athletes to participate in endurance events. Jensen and his training partner, Mary Cox, have competed numerous events together, with Jensen pushing Cox in a specialized racing chair, or pulling her in a raft or trailer for swimming or biking events. In September, the duo completed the Madison Ironman Triathlon — a 2.4-mile swim, 112-mile bike ride and 26.2 mile run.
“This event is part or our attempt in GPS to foster first-year students’ connection not only to our campus, but to the larger community,” said Associate Prof. Denise Bartell, who led the charge to develop Phoenix GPS, “and to build civic engagement through providing approachable, local examples of ordinary people who do extraordinary things.” For more on Jensen, and on the Phoenix GPS program, click the links below:
UW-Green Bay News
… and you can be a part of it
There is limited additional room for attendees at Friday’s Christian Jensen presentation and reception, taking place from 1-2 p.m. in MAC 208 and 2-3 p.m. in Phoenix Room A of the Union, respectively. Interested parties should email Bartell at