UW-Green Bay advisers to assist with College Goal Wisconsin events Feb. 23-24
UW-Green Bay admissions advisers will be on hand to help families during College Goal Wisconsin events Saturday, Feb. 23 and Sunday, Feb. 24 at sites throughout Northeastern Wisconsin.
College Goal Wisconsin is a national event that provides free information and assistance to families who are filling out the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid), the federally required form for students seeking financial aid, such as grants and loans. Completing the FAFSA is the first and most important step in qualifying for aid.
UW-Green Bay admissions adviser Ron Morris will work with families at Green Bay East High School, 1415 E. Walnut St., on Saturday, Feb. 23; and UW Manitowoc, 705 Viebahn Street, Sunday, Feb. 24 during College Goal Wisconsin events. Admissions adviser Andrew Meyer will do likewise Saturday, Feb. 23 at Fox Valley Technical College, 1825 N. Bluemound Drive, Appleton. All College Goal Wisconsin events begin at 2 p.m.
Morris and Meyer are part of a team of regional higher education professionals representing nonprofit private colleges, the University of Wisconsin System and Wisconsin Technical College System.
“College Goal Wisconsin is a great event where local families can have their individual financial aid questions answered,” Morris said. “In fact, if the high school student, parent and/or guardian have all their necessary paperwork (such as completed 2012 tax records), they can actually complete and submit the FAFSA that day.”
The 2012 College Goal Wisconsin events assisted 1,131 college-bound students at locations statewide. During those events, two $1,000 and 27 $350 scholarships were given away. This year, officials plan to award eight $1,000 scholarships and two $500 scholarships in a drawing.
Students and families can find the College Goal Wisconsin site nearest them, access a complete list of documents to bring, get answers to their questions and find more help on the College Goal Wisconsin website, www.collegegoalwi.org.