Reminder: Friday is deadline to nominate for 2012 Founders Awards
The nomination form for the 2012 Founders Association Awards is available electronically – click here. The Awards and Recognition Committee encourages anyone from the UW-Green Bay community (faculty, staff, students, and community members) to submit a nomination(s) prior to the Friday, March 23, deadline. The website includes descriptions of award criteria and a list of previous awards.
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More details: Individuals and groups that have received the Founder’s Award for a given category within the last 15 years will not be eligible for that same category. Also, self-nominated individuals and groups will not receive consideration. If the individual(s) you nominate is (are) selected as a finalists(s), you will be contacted to provide further information such as background information on your nominee, letters of support addressing the nominee’s qualifications for the award, etc. All awards will be presented at the campus-wide convocation in August. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Kimberly Baker, chairperson of the Awards & Recognition Committee, or any Committee member – Lynn Brandt, Debra Strelka, Deirdre Radosevich, Caroline Boswell, Emily Rogers, Heidi Sherman, and Donna Van Straten. Awards & Recognition Committee members are not eligible for nomination.