Mosaic: Names of Business grads outline Wood Hall
The University of Wisconsin-Green Bay’s business and accounting programs boasted 5,400 graduates as of October 2010, when this image was created to mark the naming of the Austin E. Cofrin School of Business.
In varying shades, colors and sizes, the alumni names combine to depict Wood Hall, the program’s home since the mid-1970s. A framed print of this mosaic, created by campus graphic artist Kimberly Vlies, will be on permanent display when the School of Business, temporarily relocated, returns to a newly renovated Wood Hall by fall 2011.
A story about the mosaic and the October reception thanking the Cofrin Family appears in the November issue of the University’s print alumni magazine, Inside UW-Green Bay.
View a pdf of the Business Alumni text mosaic of L.G. Wood Hall [8 MB]